Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who are you?

Who are you? - How often do you get asked this question? My guess is very rarely. The question you get asked is What do you do ? So, you introduce yourself as "my name is John Doe and I am a professional artist" for example. Did you just notice the subtlety in the above two sentences ? The answer to the question who are you is "I am a professional artist". This is mind blowing. It means that who you are is tied down to what you do as a profession. For many of us, what we do prfessionaly doesnt really define who we are.
         This boils down to a basic question- Why do we choose the professions that we do? When we are kids, we are asked the question,
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
And we answer"  I want to be a doctor".
"Why do you want to be a doctor?"
"I want to help and heal people"
And that, is the real answer as to why should you become a doctor- to help and heal people.
Why should you become a lawyer - to help people fight for their rights and get what is theirs
Why should you become a teacher - to spread knowledge and help in empowering people
But as we grow, society corrupts our minds. Now your success is measured by how much money you make. But is that really correct. If you want to know how successful a doctor is, go chat with his patients. Are they happy and healthy? Or a teacher, ask her students how do they feel about their studies and coming to class? Do they come running and skipping to class with a smile on their faces?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then yes you are a successful doctor, you are a successful teacher.
In life we can rarely do the things we love everyday. The trick is to leave that greed of earning a fatter pay check, owning a bigger car and come down to the basics. For the above things can give you happiness, but its short lived. Its not true happiness. Its just a satisfaction of having acquired a thing which will be soon replaced with a desire to acquire more. And this chain is endless. Whereas true happiness can be found in something as simple as taking your dog for a walk, playing and spending time with your children, cooking a nice meal for your famliy, having a nice quiet conversation with your partner...The possibilities are endless.
Who are you? The answer to this question has infinite answers. YOu can be a adventurer, or an artist or a warm human being who loves meeting people or a readaholic who loves reading books...The choice is yours. So, who are you? :)

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