Monday, January 30, 2012

India and Corruption

Well, if you have been following the news, the recent Team Anna v/s Government war is all pervasive. Its everywhere. Even if you don't see the news, you will see people wearing the humber white Gandhi topi with "I am Anna" written on it and marching with the flag of India in their hands with much pride and gusto.
Why has Anna, a humble soft spoken man, a man who believes in simple leaving and high thinking, taken the country and her people by storm? In this era of superficiality, where stars are made and destroyed in a day, where mobile phones are even more necessary than clothes, where idea of having a good time is spending lots of money and partying: what is it about Anna that has struck such a deep chord with the people young and old alike?
Well, if you see most revolutions happen when masses are oppressed and fed up with the existing structure.   There are many revolutions that are spread throughout the history of our civilization. India has been independent for 64 years, which is pretty young for a country. These 64 years have been marked with a lot of turmoil, changes, advancements, development. India was born a democratic country. Government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Well, the first two were true(of the people and by the people). The third and most important point , for the people was missed by the politicians and lawmakers of the country.
But, when India became free, she didnt really become free. She aquired a different kind of bondage. One that was supposedly shed. That of Caste ism and corruption. These are the deadliest evils that can affect democracy.
Unless these are weeded out, we will always be on the path of a developing country, not a developed one.
Lets see how this struggle for a corruption free India plays out.
Hopefully we will see a brighter, shining future free from poverty, illiteracy, corruption.

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