Friday, October 9, 2009

My First Blog Post

Here's an interesting thing to think about...Why should you read books? Many a times we hear things like.."Oh it's too much of an effort to read a book..I'll watch the movie instead". Someone rightly said and I quote," Never judge a book by its movie". So the question still remains, why should you read books, when you have movies that portray the same thing and you have author reviews and so on and so forth.

When you open a book, you open your mind. When you read a book, you open your mind and start your creative thinking. Suppose in a book, it is written, "a beautiful lady was standing beside a beautliful and serene lake, her long hair blowing in the wind. The sky was bright orange with the colors of the setting sun.." What comes to your mind? When you watch a movie depicting the same scene, you are essentially seeing the outcome of someone Else's, namely the director, imagination. It is his idea of beauty that gets expressed and we go along with it.

So read books, newspapers, forums, blogs, so that you can form your own opinions and ideas and not live accroding to someone else's ideas and imganitaion. Live life on your own terms! Happy Reading! :)

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