Mistakes and Incidents happen. Hitler's Army is one big example of how things go wrong, even in one of the most organized armies the world has ever seen. Hitler had 4 major branches:
- The Nazis (political party)
- The Gestapo (Secret Service)
- SS (police)
- The Army
Even though Hitler's Army was powerful, each one of his Generals and individuals were equally powerful and magnetic in their own right.One of his Generals, Rommell had developed his own army called as the Desert Fox that could penetrate though to anywhere and anyplace. Rommell's nickname was Wüstenfuchs (Desert Fox). Another one of Hitler's Generals was Hoth. He commanded the Panzer Unit.
Well even though the facade was of strength, nobody really knew what was happening ebhind the scenes. Only one man said that the way Hitler and his army were goind, they were going to run into trouble. That man was Svatantrya Veer Savarkar. And sure enough, the day dawned when the Nazis accepted defeat. On that day an order was placed for 9000 typewriters. Such was the state of anarchy.
So in an organised team, there are individuals that are highly driven, they have their resposibilities and duties, but they may not go in the right direction. And when the energy levels are high, more so.
Whenever you have said something wrong, there are two ways to deal with it. One way is to hold your ground and tell the others to keep their opinions to themselves. The second and according to me a more graceful way is to acccept that what you have said may be wrong. You can ask individual feedback. But never backtrack and try to save face. You may end up losing it.