Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ever Wonder...??

I think this post of mine leans a bit towards spirituality, the greater meaning of life, the force of the universe...

From Deepti'sBlog
Today we take for granted the food that we buy, the fields that grow crops, the farmers who farm land. But, have you ever stopped to think how this journey must have begun and how it has progressed? How man progressed from eating raw fruits and vegetables to eating the sophisticated multi-cuisine that we eat today? How he went from depending on nature for his food, to growing it himself and thus ensuring his survival? How did he discover that seeds that are thrown into the ground sprout and turn into a plant?
I find this journey fascinating to visualize. How was electricity discovered? How many times Thomas Edison must have tried and failed and then succeeded in lighting that bulb? How jubilant he must have been when he saw the glow of the bulb? How that simple bulb has gone to the hi-fi technology that we use and take for granted today?

I feel that we as a civilization take so many things for granted without thiking about the efforts that may have gone into making them. As we progress we are becoming more jaded in our outlook towards things. We are losing the sense of wonder and curiosity we are all born with. The ones who nurture this sense are the ones who invent new things, they are the ones who think "why not?","what if".
So, always stop and think for yourself. Dont let someone else do it for you.